NCC PerformanceBETA
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NCC Current Performance Report at 19 October 2024 for

Northumberland Fire & Rescue

 MeasureUnit2023/24 PerformanceCurrent TargetCurrent PerformanceLast Available ResultFrequencyDirection of TravelPerformanceStatusCommentsTrend
1Accidental Dwelling FiresNumber14182Sep 2024MonthlyGreenGreenUp to dateAccidental dwelling fires are fires in dwellings where the cause is recorded as either accidental or not known. Performance is better than target for the month. Targets determined using statistical methodology provided by Jumping Rivers in conjunction with Newcastle university and set at upper warning limit. Performance is better than target for the month, Q2 and year to date.
ACTIONS: Continue to target prevention work in South East corner of the county, monitor incidents for seasonal trends. The importance of conducting SWV (Safe and Wellbeing Visits) post incident where practicable and of keeping records is being emphasised. Prevention messages to continue to be communicated via social media and other means. Staff involved in safe and wellbeing visits have been made aware of main causes of incidents to help target information given.
Trend Line Chart
2Automatic False Alarms Attended from Non-domestic premisesNumber324624Sep 2024MonthlyGreenGreenUp to dateAn automatic false alarm originates from fire detection equipment or from a person responding to the fire detection equipment. Performance is better than target for the month and Q2. Target has been determined using a statistical process provided by Jumping Rivers in conjunction with Newcastle University and set at upper warning limit.
ACTIONS: Work will continue with premises to help identify ways to manage/reduce false alarms. Where appropriate NFRS will initiate cost recovery. Attendance at Educational establishments is now being call challenged. Performance is better than target for the month, Q2 and year to date.
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3Deliberate Secondary FiresNumber2014039Sep 2024MonthlyRedGreenUp to dateSecondary fires are any fires which are not categorised as a primary fire. These tend to be smaller fires which may include tree scrub, wasteland, grass, refuse and roadside vegetation. The target has been determined using a statistical process provided by Jumping Rivers in conjunction with Newcastle University and has been set at the upper warning limit. Performance is better than target for the month, Q2 and year to date.
ACTIONS: Significant work is being undertaken with the Extinguish programme which involves education of young people with regards to fire setting behaviour. Further analysis of data will provide further understanding and inform the programme. Specific reports being produced for VOL meetings which include emerging trends, risks and specific areas. Attention will be paid to any changes since the introduction of Safer Street and Operation Alliance initiatives have been introduced.
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4Eligible operational staff in qualification for breathing apparatus competencyPercentage98.9210097.14Sep 2024MonthlyRedRedUp to dateThe number of appropriate operational personnel that have completed the appropriate qualification for breathing apparatus. Figure excludes Breathing Apparatus Instructors.
ACTIONS: 1 person is recorded as past the date of expiry for the qualification and the results for 4 eligible staff are incomplete.
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5Eligible operational staff in qualification for driving competencyPercentage93.5810094.02Sep 2024MonthlyGreenRedUp to dateThe number of appropriate operational personnel that have completed the appropriate qualification for driving.
ACTIONS: Results for 14 eligible staff are incomplete and 1 person is recorded as past the date of expiry. These are being followed up.
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6Eligible operational staff in qualification for Incident Command competencyPercentage98.23100100Sep 2024MonthlyGreenGreenUp to dateThe number of appropriate operational personnel that have completed the appropriate qualification for Incident Command.
ACTIONS: All eligible staff are qualified.
Trend Line Chart
7Eligible operational staff successfully completing fitness testPercentage95.210096.36Sep 2024MonthlyGreenRedUp to dateThe number of appropriate operational personnel that have completed, and passed, the current service fitness assessment standard, as a percentage of the overall total number. 1 member of staff failed, results for 2 members of staff are unrecorded. For 5 staff the date of retest has past and the data should be checked.
ACTIONS: Management teams are encouraging staff to complete the fitness test.
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8Fires in Non-domestic premisesNumber1113Sep 2024MonthlyRedGreenUp to dateNon-domestic fires include primary fires where the property is not a dwelling and is subject to the Regulatory Reform Order (RRO). There are some property types such as private garden sheds which are excluded. Performance is better than target for month. Target has been determined using SPC (Statistical Process Control) and set to the upper warning limit. Performance is better than target for the month, Q2 and year to date.
ACTIONS: Targeted fire safety activity will be maintained with commercial premises following a fire. The current target is to make contact within five working days. Work will continue with responsible persons to help them improve Fire Safety. Further fire investigation training will be rolled out subject to a satisfactory evaluation of the current training trial.
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9Number of Deliberate Primary FiresNumber6207Sep 2024MonthlyRedGreenUp to datePrimary fires are fires with one or more of the following characteristics- i) all fires in buildings and vehicles that are not derelict or in some outdoor structures ii) any fire involving casualties or rescues iii) any fire attended by five or more appliances. Target has been determined using a statistical process provided by Jumping Rivers in conjunction with Newcastle University with the target set at the upper warning limit. Performance is better than target for the month, Q2 and year to date.
ACTIONS: The Protection Team will continue to engage with Responsible Persons at premises where a fire has occurred to support them in ensuring their fire safety management is adequate. All regulatory powers will be used proportionately whilst doing this.
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10Number of Safe and Wellbeing Visits identified and delivered as a result of the risk modelling process.Number18746155Sep 2024MonthlyRedRedUp to dateNumber of safe and wellbeing visits identified and delivered successfully as a result of the risk modelling process. Performance is outside of the target for the month, Q2 and year to date.
ACTIONS: This indicator is to be reviewed to identify what remedial action can be undertaken. The Strategic Policy and Risk Manager is working with ORH, the company that produce the risk model for Northumberland Fire and Rescue Service in order to target resources to those who need most support, in order to refine the risk model.
Trend Line Chart
11Percentage of occasions when the 1st appliance arrives at a property fire within the response standard.Percentage Change0800Sep 2024MonthlyGreenRedUp to datePercentage of occasions when the first arriving appliance arrives at a life risk property fire within the response standard of ten minutes from time of mobilisation. Life risk incidents are defined as incidents identified as a ‘perceived life risk’ from the call handling / management. This is irrespective of whether NFRS carry out any intervention or definitive actions when in attendance. Property Fires are as defined by the incident recording system [IRS] are building, not known, other transport vehicle, road vehicle and outdoor structures. No incidents reported this month. Performance is on target for Q2 but outside for year to date.
ACTIONS: Retained stations are now clustered so staff cover other stations within their own cluster not just their own station which is having a positive impact. Community Support Officers continue to provide additional cover. A review of standards is being undertaken by ORH.
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12Percentage of occasions when the 1st appliance arrives at an RTC within the response standard.Percentage66.678080Sep 2024MonthlyGreenGreenUp to datePercentage of occasions when the first arriving appliance arrives at a life risk RTC (Road Traffic Collision) within the response standard of fifteen minutes from time of mobilisation. Life risk incidents are defined as incidents identified as a ‘perceived life risk’ from the call handling / management. This is irrespective of whether NFRS carry out any intervention or definitive actions when in attendance.
ACTIONS: Retained stations are now clustered so staff cover other stations within their own cluster not just their own station which is having a positive impact. Community Support Officers continue to provide additional cover. A review of standards is being undertaken by ORH. Performance is on target for the month and Q2 but outside of target for year to date.
Trend Line Chart
13Percentage of occasions when the 2nd appliance arrives at a property fire within the response standardPercentage0800Sep 2024MonthlyGreenRedUp to datePercentage of occasions when the second arriving appliance arrives at a life risk property fire within the response standard of thirteen minutes from time of mobilisation. Life risk incidents are defined as incidents identified as a ‘perceived life risk’ from the call handling / management. This is irrespective of whether NFRS carry out any intervention or definitive actions when in attendance. Property Fires are as defined by the incident recording system [IRS] are building, not known, other transport vehicle, road vehicle and outdoor structures.
ACTIONS: Retained stations are now clustered so staff cover other stations within their own cluster not just their own station which is having a positive impact. Community Support Officers continue to provide additional cover. A review of standards is being undertaken by ORH. No incidents reported this month. Performance is outside of targtet for Q2 and year to date.
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14Percentage of occasions when the 2nd appliance arrives at an RTC within the response standard of 20 minutes.Percentage66.678080Sep 2024MonthlyGreenGreenUp to datePercentage of occasions when the first arriving appliance arrives at a life risk RTC (Road Traffic Collision) within the response standard of fifteen minutes from time of mobilisation. Life risk incidents are defined as incidents identified as a ‘perceived life risk’ from the call handling / management. This is irrespective of whether NFRS carry out any intervention or definitive actions when in attendance.
ACTIONS: Retained stations are now clustered so staff cover other stations within their own cluster not just their own station which is having a positive impact. Community Support Officers continue to provide additional cover. A review of standards is being undertaken by ORH. Performance is on target for the month and Q2 but outside of target for year to date.
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15Percentage of priority programmes and projects on track or within tolerancesPercentage1009094.12Sep 2024MonthlyRedGreenUp to datePriority Programmes and Projects are captured within the Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP). All Priority Programmes and Projects are captured and monitored for progress, using a RAG (Red Amber Green) methodology.
ACTIONS: 1 project is on amber status.. Updates are being made early October to bring CiP projects up to date following cleanse of closed projects. Meetings are scheduled to progress areas for improvement.
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16Percentage of safeguarding referrals that have resulted in positive action.Percentage93.338093.33Jan 2023QuarterlyGreenGreenOverdueSafeguarding referrals that have been submitted by Duty Managers that have resulted in a positive action by NCC Safeguarding teams. Figures are year to date. Possible hold on this measure to explore an alternative pathway or method to reflect success rate.
ACTIONS: A meeting is scheduled between ACFO (Assistant Chief Fire Officer) Kennedy and NCC to reestablish quality assurance meetings. In addition NFRS must agree on an operational definition of positive outcome in order for this measure to be meaningful.
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17RIDDOR Accidents are investigated and reported to the HSE within their required timeframesPercentage01000Sep 2024MonthlyGreenRedUp to dateAll RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations) Accidents are investigated and reported to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) within their required timeframes. RIDDOR requires the following events to be reported to the HSE by the quickest practical means, followed by a report within 10 days of the incident.
ACTIONS: All RIDDOR reportable incidents have been recorded on time since the introduction of the Accident Reporting diagram in 2022. Performance target has been achieved for month, Q2 and year to date.
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18The outcome of fire safety inspections expressed by action taken as a result of the inspection.Percentage989697Sep 2024MonthlyRedGreenUp to dateInspections are identified in line with the risk-based inspection programme (RBIP), set by the service, targeting premises to identify and improve fire safety management and therefore a low expectation of reasonable standard premises has been set, the theory being that if all premises are at a reasonable standard then the RBIP is targeting the incorrect premises.
ACTIONS: Performance is better than target for the month but outside of target for Q2 and year to date.
Trend Line Chart
19The percentage of Statutory Fire Safety consultations completed within 15 working daysPercentage97.069597.56Sep 2024MonthlyGreenGreenUp to dateThe percentage of Statutory Fire Safety consultations completed within the 15 working days' time period. Building Regulation, Licensing and other Consultations received by the service should be responded to within 15 working days. These are received on an ad-hoc basis and cannot be predicted at start of year.
ACTIONS: Performance is better than target for the monthand Q2 but outside of target for year to date. A department review has been completed with recommendations identified to improve performance. The one consultation outsude of target was delayed due to the officer waiting for further information to be provided.
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20The total number of overdue pending Fire Safety Audits of High-Risk PremisesNumber204Sep 2024MonthlyRedRedUp to dateA list of pending Fire Safety Audits is scheduled using the Risk Management Model with a frequency derived from the result of the previous inspection. When the Fire Safety Officer (FSO) takes ownership of a job from this list pending list it is removed, Jobs that have not been allocated to a FSO by the scheduled completion date.
ACTIONS: Performance is outside of target. The overdue audits are included in the high priority job tracker and will be actioned as a priority.
Trend Line Chart
21Time taken between Fire Control receiving the emergency call and the correct community fire station being alerted.Percentage73.189579.26Sep 2024MonthlyGreenRedUp to dateTime taken between Fire Control receiving the emergency call and the correct community fire station being mobilised (alerted) for all calls answered – a station can be mobilised (alerted) but not attend the incident. Time of Call to mobilisation (alerting) of appropriate resources should be within 90 seconds.
ACTIONS: Performance is outside of target for the month, Q2 and year to date. Staff review individual performance on a monthly basis to identify all calls outside of standard and are required to provide a reason for exceptions. This is having a positive impact on improving performance. Analysis also considers the number of staff on-duty at the time calls are taken and where calls are delayed for reasons out of staff control. Officer use of the airwave system is also being reviewed between 08:00 and 09:00 and 15:00 and 18:00.
Trend Line Chart
22Time taken to answer the 999 call by Fire ControlPercentage99.099595.81Sep 2024MonthlyRedGreenUp to dateTime taken to answer the 999 call by Fire Control. As part of the PECS (Public Emergency Call Service) code of practice Fire and Rescue Services aim to answer 95% of 999 calls within 10 seconds.
ACTIONS: Performance better than target for the month and also the target set by British Telecom in the PECS agreement.
Trend Line Chart
23Total number of Safe and Wellbeing Visits identified and delivered as a result of partner referrals.Number16138181Sep 2024MonthlyGreenGreenUp to dateNumber of safe and wellbeing visits identified and delivered successfully as a result of partner referrals. Target based upon 6 visits per day, 46 weeks multiplied by 2 teams. Performance is better than target for this month, Q2 and year to date.
ACTIONS: Improvements have been made in the data recording and triage process and a report produced for ongoing checks. The measure will continue to be monitored to identify any emerging trends. Consideration to be given to pairing new members of the central team with On-Call Support Officers to increase capacity and the number of SWV Partner referrals undertaken to be given.
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