NCC PerformanceBETA
Report Date: View a printer friendly version of this report

NCC Current Performance Report at 19 October 2024 for


 MeasureUnit2023/24 PerformanceCurrent TargetCurrent PerformanceLast Available ResultFrequencyDirection of TravelPerformanceStatusCommentsTrend
1Museum Engagement NumbersNumber16,5579,98516,557Oct 2023QuarterlyGreenGreenOverdueFollowing the launch of successful exhibitions at Bailiffgate and Mueums Northumberland both have been well received with very positive feedback with increased visitor numbers versus the target figure
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2Northumberland Arts Organisations - number of sessionsNumber279401279Oct 2023QuarterlyGreenRedOverdueSessions in arts and dance continues to be well attended and enjoyed by all.
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3Northumberland Arts Organisations - participation (all ages)Number1,21713,9121,217Oct 2023QuarterlyGreenRedOverdue
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4Theatre EngagementNumber138,53575,964138,535Oct 2023QuarterlyGreenGreenOverdueNumbers continue to rise and organisations continue to build on the live performance numbers.
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