NCC PerformanceBETA
Report Date: View a printer friendly version of this report

NCC Current Performance Report at 19 October 2024 for

Neighbourhood Services

 MeasureUnit2023/24 PerformanceCurrent TargetCurrent PerformanceLast Available ResultFrequencyDirection of TravelPerformanceStatusCommentsTrend
1% of sites falling below cleanliness standard for DetritusPercentage2.4982.75Apr 2024MonthlyRedGreenUp to date291 surveys were undertaken during this period and 8 areas (2.75%) were identified as not being predominantly free of detritus. Performance is within target.
Trend Line Chart
2% of sites falling below cleanliness standard for Dog FoulingPercentage0.2510Apr 2024MonthlyGreenGreenUp to date291 surveys were undertaken during this period and all areas were identified as being predominantly free of dog fouling. This is within target and represents good local environmental quality.
Trend Line Chart
3% of sites falling below cleanliness standard for LitterPercentage1.4951.72Apr 2024MonthlyRedGreenUp to date291 surveys were undertaken during this period and 5 areas (1.72%) were identified as not being predominantly free of litter. Performance is within target.
Trend Line Chart
4% reduction in number of flytipping incidents against 2023/24 baselinePercentage517.04Jul 2024QuarterlyN/AGreenUp to dateThere has been a 17% reduction in fly tips from April - September 2024/25 compared to the same period in 2023/24.
Trend Line Chart
5Number of missed bin collections per 100,000 collections of household wasteNumber454035Jul 2024QuarterlyGreenGreenUp to datePerformance to the end of quarter 2 2024/25 shows further improvement and is within target. In context, there have been 1581 reported missed bins out of 4.5 million collections.
Trend Line Chart
6Number of parks achieving 'green flag' status across the countyNumber121213Jul 2024AnnuallyGreenGreenUp to dateThe 2024 winners of a Green Flag for Northumberland's parks were: Alexandra Park (Cramlington), Astley Park (Seaton Delaval), Carlisle Park (Morpeth), Ridley Park (Blyth), Flagstaff Park (Berwick), Coronation Park (Berwick), Eastwoods Park (Prudhoe), Hexham Parks, Hirst Park (Ashington), Dr Pit Park (Bedlington), Druridge Bay Country Park, Bolam Lake Country Park and Plessey Woods Country Park. These are excellent results and we have exceeded our target.
Trend Line Chart
7Percentage of bulky waste collections undertaken on the agreed day of collectionPercentage99.59999.6Sep 2024MonthlyGreenGreenUp to date6094 collections undertaken since April 2024 and 6072 were on the agreed day of collection. Performance remains good and above target.
Trend Line Chart
8Percentage of household waste sent for reuse, recycling and compostingPercentage35.13637.7Apr 2024QuarterlyGreenGreenUp to dateTarget of 36% has been exceeded but performance has fallen by 1.9 % this quarter compared with the same quarter last year.
Trend Line Chart
9Percentage of municipal waste land filledPercentage4.11017Apr 2024QuarterlyRedRedUp to dateThis quarter saw planned maintenance of the Energy From Waste Plant (shutdown). This lead to some tonnage that would usually be sent for producing electricity had to go to landfill.
ACTIONS: Monitoring is in place through contract meetings to ensure year end performance moves back towards the annual target.
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10Percentage of recycling, reuse, and composting at Household Waste Recovery CentresPercentage66.268.669.1Jul 2024QuarterlyGreenGreenUp to dateTarget met. There has been an increase in recycled materials to HWRCs.
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11Proportion of fly-tips removed from public areas within 3 daysPercentage98.199598.76Sep 2024MonthlyGreenGreenUp to date1191 out of 1943 fly tips have been removed from public areas within 3 days since April 2024. Performance remains good and above target.
Trend Line Chart
12Volume of household waste generated per householdKg941257261Apr 2024QuarterlyGreenAmberUp to dateThe tonnage of household waste generated has remained unchanged as in the same quarter in 2023.
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