NCC Current Performance Report at 19 October 2024 for


 MeasureUnit2023/24 PerformanceCurrent TargetCurrent PerformanceLast Available ResultFrequencyDirection of TravelPerformanceStatusTrend
1% of minor planning applications determined within 8 weeks Cumulative from 01/04/2022%85.257580.2Sep 2024MonthlyRedGreenUp to date
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COMMENTS: Strong performance against this "special measures" statutory KPI
2% of other planning applications determined within 8 weeks Cumulative from 01/04/2022%87.678582.71Sep 2024MonthlyRedGreenUp to date
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COMMENTS: Strong performance against this "special measures" statutory KPI
3% of all planning decisions overturned on appeal Cumulative from 01/04/2022%151Sep 2024MonthlyGreenGreenUp to date
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ACTIONS: strong performance
4No decisions delegated by officer (%) Cumulative from 01/04/2022%96.849596.63Sep 2024MonthlyRedGreenUp to date
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COMMENTS: Contextual indicator
5% of pre-application enquiries responded to in accordance with targets in pre-application protocol Cumulative from 01/04/2022%678566Sep 2024MonthlyRedGreenUp to date
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COMMENTS: Improving performance on back of new system
6% Enforcement Cases where there has been an agreed course of action within 13 weeks Cumulative from 01/04/2022%62.088562.96Sep 2024MonthlyGreenRedUp to date
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COMMENTS: This KPI requires to be revised - we will table a number of sub-divisions
7Net additional homes providedUnknown15026761502Apr 2023AnnuallyGreenGreenUp to date
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COMMENTS: Target = 561 dwellings pa This KPI demonstrates that NCC is not one of the "problem" LPAs in England in regard to housing deliver
8Area designation applications determined within time limits prescribed in the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012%100100100Jul 2024QuarterlyGreenGreenUp to date
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COMMENTS: No neighbourhood areas were designated during Q2. Figures input to reflect performance against the indicator.
9% Local Plan HRA completed Cumulative from 01/04/2019%100100100Apr 2023AnnuallyGreenGreenUp to date
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COMMENTS: No Local Plan documents prepared during this period, so no HRA required.
10% Major and County Matter applications determined within 13 weeks/ agreed timescale%10075100Sep 2024MonthlyGreenGreenUp to date
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COMMENTS: perfect performance
11Housing delivery against housing need%26875262Apr 2024AnnuallyRedGreenUp to date
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COMMENTS: Provisional locally calculated result pending Government publishing official Housing Delivery Test results for the 3-year period 2021-2024. Northumberland's very strong housing delivery position relative to minimum requirements continues to be within the top 10% of authorities nationally. The council is therefore NOT currently at risk of the presumption in favour of sustainable development coming into effect when considering planning applications for housing (and the 'tilted balance' thus meaning that development plan policies influencing the location and supply of housing land would be regarded as out of date).
12Maintenance of a 5 year housing land supplyYears13512.8Apr 2024AnnuallyRedGreenUp to date
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COMMENTS: Northumberland is not currently required to evidence a 5-year housing land supply under the latest December 2023 version of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). However, Government are currently consulting on proposed revisions that would include re-introducing this monitoring requirement. Northumberland's very strong 5-year supply position nevertheless continues to be within the top 10 authorities nationally. The council is therefore NOT currently at risk of the presumption in favour of sustainable development coming into effect when considering planning applications for housing (and the 'tilted balance' thus meaning that development plan policies influencing the location and supply of housing land would be regarded as out of date).
13Net affordable homes provided (pa)Number183374183Apr 2023AnnuallyGreenRedUp to date
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COMMENTS: 183 affordable units were delivered in 2022/23. This figure factors in an upward adjustment to account for 17 affordable homes that had not been recorded among completions in previous years Additionally, Registered Providers have acquired a further 4 new-build market stock outside the planning and S106 process over the past year such that these also contribute to meeting the county's affordable housing needs.
14New dwellings granted planning permission that are affordable homes (%)%21.521721.52Apr 2023AnnuallyGreenGreenUp to date
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COMMENTS: The percentage of affordable homes on new planning permissions including residential development exceeded the target 17%. Great performance, albeit actual delivery is outside the control of the LA
15Preparation of Local Planning Policy documents in accordance with LDS (%)%01000Jul 2024QuarterlyGreenRedUp to date
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COMMENTS: Work to prepare a Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Local Plan (GTTSLP) has been suspended. Given the limited needs identified, it is considered more appropriate and effective for the Council to work proactively to meet the needs and deliver transit sites through the development management process. Work on an up to date open space study has been progressing, with a draft report received. A consultation exercise will be undertaken during Q3. The LDS will be updated to remove reference to the GTTSLP, and to revise the timetable for the open space work and to set out future timelines for development plan document review or preparation
16Threshold: % of all Major and County Matter application decisions made on time in the period 2 years from the end of each quarter%88.896593.26Jul 2024QuarterlyGreenGreenUp to date
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COMMENTS: Strong performance against this "special measures" statutory KPI
17Threshold: % of all Majors and County matter planning decisions made in the two year period 9 months prior (at the end of each quarter) allowed at appeal%1.14101.51Jul 2024QuarterlyRedGreenUp to date
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COMMENTS: Strong performance against this "special measures" statutory KPI
18Threshold: % of all Non Major application decisions made on time in the previous two year period (at end of each quarter)%76.97583.2Jul 2024QuarterlyGreenGreenUp to date
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COMMENTS: Significant improvements since area identified as focus for improvement
19Threshold: % of all Non-Major planning decisions made in the two year period 9 months prior (at the end of each quarter) allowed at appeal%0.550.69Jul 2024QuarterlyRedGreenUp to date
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COMMENTS: Excellent performance