NCC PerformanceBETA
Report Date: View a printer friendly version of this report

NCC Current Performance Report at 19 October 2024 for

Public Protection

 MeasureUnit2023/24 PerformanceCurrent TargetCurrent PerformanceLast Available ResultFrequencyDirection of TravelPerformanceStatusCommentsTrend
1% of Building Regulations applications duly made decided within timescalePercentage438043Dec 2023MonthlyGreenRedOverduePerformance for December remains below target at 43% but has improved compared to previous months and the 2022/23 outturn due to lower levels of applications. Cumulative performance to the end of Quarter 3 is 34.46%.
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2% Trading Standards interventions carried out following consumer complaints in relation to rogue tradersPercentage10095100Jul 2024QuarterlyGreenGreenUp to date
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3% Underage sales operations completedPercentage100100100Apr 2023AnnuallyGreenGreenUp to dateThe target was to complete 4 underage sales operations during 2023/24. All 4 underage sales operations completed.
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4Land Charges, percentage of responses replied to within 10 working daysPercentage97.88590.5Sep 2024MonthlyRedGreenUp to date30 Searches went over 10 working days mostly due to annual leave in answering departments.
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5Number (%) of responses to Planning Consultations made within 21 daysPercentage767592.2Aug 2024MonthlyGreenGreenUp to dateThe Team made an amazing effort to complete Planning consultation work this month despite the high number of consultations received.
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6Percentage of food plan visits achieved against % expected in planPercentage541611Aug 2024MonthlyRedRedOverdueThe service has continued to make progress against the food plan however is running behind target due to some long term staff absence and difficulty hiring qualified staff. The service is prioritising high risk premises and assessing new unrated business to ensure resource is allocated appropriately
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7Percentage of high priority food premises inspections completed in line with annual programmePercentage964243Aug 2024MonthlyRedGreenOverdueThe service has continued to make progress against the food plan we have prioritised high risk visits due to some long-term staff absence and difficulty hiring qualified staff.
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8Percentage of high risk animal health premises inspected and assessedPercentage95.891020.29Apr 2024QuarterlyRedGreenOverdue
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9Percentage of non-contentious applications for hackney carriage and private hire licences which are processed within the specified timescalePercentage94.139594.13May 2022MonthlyGreenRedOverdue
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10Percentage of waste accumulations removed from private land, following environmental enforcement team action within 28 daysPercentage82.148066.67Jul 2024MonthlyRedRedOverdue12 of 18 waste accumulations removed from Private Land following enforcement action within 30 days of July. Performance not met due to delays for requests of information from other NCC services particularly Council tax.
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11Reported dangerous structures inspected within 1 working day of notification.Percentage100100100Aug 2023MonthlyGreenGreenOverdueACTIONS: none
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