NCC PerformanceBETA
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NCC Current Performance Report at 19 October 2024 for

Highways & Transport

 MeasureUnit2023/24 PerformanceCurrent TargetCurrent PerformanceLast Available ResultFrequencyDirection of TravelPerformanceStatusCommentsTrend
1% of street lighting faults attended within 4 working daysPercentage93.339298.13Sep 2024MonthlyGreenGreenUp to datePerformance is recorded cumulatively and is exceeding target to the end of September 2024, with 631 out of 643 faults attended within 4 working days.
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2Daily cost of Home to School Transport per Pupil (Post 16, Mainstream and SEN)£10.949.911.92Apr 2024QuarterlyRedRedOverdueCosts have risen by nearly another £1 in the last quarter reflecting the continued high costs of procuring transport
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3Increase number of off street parking spaces in NorthumberlandNumber772810772Apr 2023AnnuallyGreenRedUp to dateThe planned new 38 space car park at Newbiggin (former library site) during 2023/24 has been delayed due to cost issues, requirement for redesign to new bay size requirements and planning process. This will now be implemented during 2024-25.
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4Number of child casualties (including killed, serious and slight) in road traffic collisionsNumber595159Apr 2023AnnuallyGreenRedUp to dateData for the 2023 calendar year shows 59 child casualties in 2023 compared to the target of 51, however this is a reduction compared to 62 in 2022. Casualty numbers were significantly impacted by the various levels of lockdown and reductions in traffic and journeys made during COVID-19. After May 2021 traffic returned to normal, which saw an unfortunate, but anticipated increase in casualties from 38 in 2020 to 48 in 2021 and 62 in 2022, with this slight reduction to 59 in 2023. Overall progress is being made to reduce child casualties against the long term trend (the target is a 50% reduction in the number of children injured in road traffic accidents by 2023, compared to the 2010-14 average) but reductions in casualty rates against the long term trend are not meeting the profile for the 50% reduction. We are continuing to work with partners through the Northumberland Road Safety Co-ordination Group to work to reduce casualties going forward, with one area of particular emphasis being on child casualties. The Road Safety Strategy is currently being reviewed as it reaches the end of it's 2018-2023 lifespan and child casualties will be a continued focus of the future strategy.
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5Number of NCC owned Electric Vehicle Charging Points in NorthumberlandNumber321318321Apr 2023AnnuallyGreenGreenUp to dateA significant number of new installations during 2023/24 has meant that 321 EV charger points are now available against a target of 318. This has been as a result of a specific capital programme of new EV charger installations. The programme of installations is continuing,
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6Number of people killed or seriously injured in road traffic accidentsNumber182149182Apr 2023AnnuallyGreenRedUp to dateData for the 2023 calendar year shows 182 people killed or seriously injured in 2023 compared to the target of 149. Casualty numbers were significantly impacted by the various levels of lockdown and reductions in traffic and journeys made during COVID-19. After May 2021 traffic returned to normal and saw an increase in the number of people killed or seriously injured. 2023 casualties remain less than the 2019 figure of 211 KSI in pre-covid traffic conditions. However nationally, regionally and locally the long term trend in the number of people killed or seriously injured in road traffic accidents continues to be of concern and is not reducing in line with targets (A 20% reduction in the number of people killed or seriously injured in road traffic accidents by 2023, compared to the 2010-14 average). We are continuing to work with partners through the Northumberland Road Safety Co-ordination Group to work to reduce casualties going forward, with one area of particular emphasis being on overall KSI figures. The Road Safety Strategy is currently being reviewed as it reaches the end of it's 2018-2023 lifespan and killed and seriously injured casualties will be a continued focus of the future strategy.
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7Percentage of urgent carriageway defects made safe the next working dayPercentage76.929676.92Dec 2023MonthlyGreenRedOverdue30 out of 39 urgent carriageway defects were made safe within timescale during December. Performance has not achieved the target this month due to severe weather events. Subsequent data for 2023/24 is currently under review and will be published as soon as available.
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8Road condition - Percentage of road length where maintenance should be considered - Non-principal Classified Roads (B and C roads)Percentage575Jan 2024AnnuallyGreenGreenUp to date2023/24 road condition performance for non principal classified B and C roads where maintenance should be considered remained at 5% and is also better than the target of 7%.
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9Road condition - Percentage of road length where maintenance should be considered - Principal Roads (A roads)Percentage232Jan 2024AnnuallyGreenGreenUp to date2023/24 road condition performance for principal roads where maintenance should be considered remained at 2% and is also better than the target of 3%.
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10Workforce accident incidence ratePercentage2.1333.99Apr 2024QuarterlyRedRedUp to dateThere were 15 accidents/incidents in Highways and Transport during Quarter 1. All accidents/incidents are reviewed to identify causation factors and where possible preventative measures put in place to prevent re-occurrence. Close scrutiny of performance in this area is maintained by the Corporate Health & Safety Group.
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