NCC PerformanceBETA
Report Date: View a printer friendly version of this report

NCC Current Performance Report at 19 October 2024 for


 MeasureUnit2023/24 PerformanceCurrent TargetCurrent PerformanceLast Available ResultFrequencyDirection of TravelPerformanceStatusCommentsTrend
1% of Emergency Housing Repairs Completed in 24 hoursPercentage99.59999.55Sep 2024MonthlyGreenGreenUp to date3 Emergency Housing Repairs were not completed on time during September 2024. Performance remains good and above target. Cumulative performance to the end of quarter 2 is also above target at 99.54%.
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2% of current tenant rent collectedPercentage101.029898.22Sep 2024MonthlyRedGreenUp to dateCurrent performance is above target.
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3% of gas servicing certificates completedPercentage97.26100100Sep 2024MonthlyGreenGreenUp to dateThere are no outstanding gas services for September 2024. Cumulative performance to the end of quarter 2 is 99.67%.
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4% of homelessness and housing options cases that are resolved at first point of contactPercentage36.715533.52Jul 2024QuarterlyRedRedUp to dateThe service is under a great deal of pressure at present and we are unable to prevent at advice stage.
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5% of Housing Capital Investment Programme CompletedPercentage989695Jun 2024MonthlyRedAmberOverdueCumulatively, there have been 17 less components replaced than planned.
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6% of positive feedback from resident satisfaction surveys following investment worksPercentage869686Jun 2024MonthlyGreenRedOverdueOut of 7 responses received, 6 were positive. The 1 negative response was for the heating upgrade project.
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7% of routine repairs completed within target timePercentage99.859899.83Sep 2024MonthlyRedGreenUp to date1189 out of 1191 routine repairs were completed within target time during September 2024. Performance remains good and above target. Cumulative performance to the end of quarter 2 is above target at 99.69%.
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8Average length of stay in Temporary Accommodation – all householdsDays79.833571.42Jul 2024QuarterlyGreenRedUp to dateWe are unable to move clients on in a timely manner due to lack of accommodation available and turnaround times.
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