NCC Current Performance Report at 19 October 2024 for

Education, SEND & Skills

 MeasureUnit2023/24 PerformanceCurrent TargetCurrent PerformanceLast Available ResultFrequencyDirection of TravelPerformanceStatusTrend
1% children taking up the Statutory entitlement to early education for all eligible 2 year olds%908591May 2024TermlyGreenGreenUp to date
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2% getting their first choice of primary school%98.29697.7Apr 2024AnnuallyRedGreenUp to date
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COMMENTS: Almost all applicants once again got their first choice of primary school for the academic year starting in September 2024. This result is almost identical to the previous year and Northumberland continues to be one of the top performers in the country. It continues to be above the national average of 93.2%.
3EYFSP - % of pupils achieving a Good Level of Development%69.26969.2Sep 2023AnnuallyGreenGreenUp to date
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4% gap between FSM eligible learners and non FSM eligible learners achieving a 'Good Level of Development' at end of EYFS%21.119.821.1Sep 2023AnnuallyGreenRedUp to date
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5Phonics - % of year 1 pupils working at the expected standard%80.48080.4Sep 2023AnnuallyGreenGreenUp to date
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6% KS1 - % of pupils achieving the expected standard in Reading, Writing & Math%56.25756.2Aug 2022AnnuallyGreenAmberUp to date
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COMMENTS: This is a 2% improvement on the previous year and just below the target of 57%, hence the amber rating.
7KS2 - % of pupils achieving the expected standard in Reading, Writing and Maths%55.858.455.8Sep 2023AnnuallyGreenRedUp to date
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8Number of permanent exclusions from primary schools in academic yearNumber601Sep 2024MonthlyGreenAmberUp to date
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9% pupils in primary schools judged by Ofsted as good/outstanding%95.69595.1Jul 2024QuarterlyRedGreenUp to date
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10% getting their first choice secondary school%95.59295Apr 2024AnnuallyRedGreenUp to date
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COMMENTS: The vast majority of applicants once again got their first choice of secondary school for the academic year starting in September 2024. The figure of 95% continues to be significantly better than the national average of 82.9%.
11KS4 - average Attainment 8 scoreNumber44.44944.4Sep 2022AnnuallyGreenRedUp to date
Trend Line Chart
COMMENTS: External examinations returned for the second time since 2019. Nationally, it was determined that grades would, overall, fall back to 2019 levels, so a fall in the percentages in comparison to 2022 was expected. Northumberland achieved 44.4, slightly below what was achieved in 2019, and below the national average of 46.2.
ACTIONS: The School Improvement team will continue to work with the 4 (soon to be 3) remaining LA maintained secondary/high schools, and academies if they request our services. We will also continue to press academy CEOs and/or the relevant Dioceses around improving performance at Key Stage 4.
12% gap between disadvantaged and non disadvantaged learners' average attainment 8 score at the end of KS4%16.61716.6Sep 2022AnnuallyGreenGreenOverdue
Not Available
COMMENTS: A 1% improvement on the previous academic year and below and therefore better than the national average of 18.1%.
13KS4 - average Progress 8 scoreNumber-0.2-0.1-0.2Sep 2022AnnuallyGreenRedUp to date
Trend Line Chart
COMMENTS: External examinations returned for the second time since 2019. Nationally, it was determined that grades would, overall, fall back to 2019 levels, so a fall in the percentages in comparison to 2022 was expected. The score of -0.20 is poorer than the national average of -0.03, but better than the regional average of -0.27.
ACTIONS: The School Improvement team will continue to work with the 4 (soon to be 3) remaining LA maintained secondary/high schools, and academies if they request our services. We will also continue to press academy CEOs and/or the relevant Dioceses around improving performance at Key Stage 4.
14Number of permanent exclusions from secondary schools in academic yearNumber8994Sep 2024MonthlyGreenGreenUp to date
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15% permanently excluded pupils receiving full-time education by 6th day following exclusion%57.76583.3Sep 2024MonthlyGreenGreenUp to date
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16% pupils in secondary schools judged by Ofsted as good/outstanding%83.68784.5Jul 2024QuarterlyGreenRedUp to date
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17Overall absence rate% 2022AnnuallyGreenGreenOverdue
Not Available
COMMENTS: Improvement in 2022-23 school year and just better than the national average of 7.4%.
18Persistent absence rate from school%19.926.419.9Sep 2022AnnuallyGreenGreenOverdue
Not Available
COMMENTS: Improvement in 2022-23 school year and better than the national average of 21.2%, but the figures are still too high, especially for those who are in the Severely absent cohort (missing more than 50% of school sessions).
19% of 16-17 year olds NEET and Not Known% 2024QuarterlyRedRedUp to date
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COMMENTS: The quarter 1 figure of 7.2% is a decline compared to the same period the previous year (6.0%). Of the 7.2%, NEET was 5.3% and Unknown 1.9%). The national figure is 5.1% (of which NEET 3.4% and Unknown 1.7%).
ACTIONS: Weekly progress review meetings with careers assistants have been implemented that monitor the level of contact with NEET young people and provide better visibility/tracking of journeys and outcomes. A newly appointed Preparing for Adulthood lead began in April and will work to develop and maintain increasingly effective methods for developing and monitoring quantity and quality of pathways post-16. Replacement of the current Cognisoft Database IO system with Capita One Integrated Youth Support Service (IYSS) will provide a more intuitive case management platform, greater data and analytics, and bring together other Capita managed data to enhance interventions and outcomes – this work is advancing at pace between Capita and NCC colleagues with LIVE Migration planned for 2nd August 2024
20% of new Education Health and Care Plans successfully completed within statutory 20 week time scale (monthly figures)%345554Jul 2024MonthlyGreenAmberOverdue
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21Job starts - no. of residents progressing from an NCC delivered or commissioned employability programme into paid employmentNumber7583Apr 2024QuarterlyN/AGreenOverdue
Not Available